Types of Membership

A member means a public entity which has a financial market conduct and financial consumer protection supervision mandate.  It can include national and regional authorities including supervisory authorities, regulatory authorities, ministries of finance or central banks.  Only Members have a right to vote.

An associate means a public national or international entity which does not meet all of the criteria to be a Member but which is considering the establishment of a financial market conduct supervisory regime and is interested in becoming a member over time.

An observer is an interested party that does not meet the criteria to be an associate or member and which has a direct interest in the effectiveness of financial market conduct and financial consumer protection supervision and may include international organisations, financial institutions, non-government organisations and professional firms.



Joining FinCoNet is a very straightforward process.  

1.     First of all you should consider what type of membership you are applying for (see membership types, opposite).

2.    You can make contact with FinCoNet by emailing sally.day-hanotiaux@oecd.org with any questions or queries.

3.    If you meet the eligibility criteria for your required type of membership, you will be sent an application and declaration form to complete.


Members - €10,000 per annum
Associates - €7,500 per annum
Observer Status - €5,000 per annum.

FinConet Information Brochure for Non-members

Full list of FinCoNet members

FinCoNet Information Brochure for Non-Members