
OECD/FinCoNet Joint Seminar on Ageing Populations


This seminar, co hosted by the G20/OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection and FinCoNet explored ageing populations: understanding and responding to the needs of older financial consumers.

Session 1 discussed understanding of the issues and challenages facing older financial consumers: As the population in many countries continues to age at an accelerated pace, it is critical that policy makers, regulators and supervisors understand the key issues and challenges older financial consumers are facing.  This session will explore some of these key issues and challenges from a range of perspectives and the implications arising.

Session 2 explored strategic policy, regulatory and supervisory responses to the ageing population: In response to the issues and challenges arising from aging populations, it is important that appropriate financial consumer policy, regulatory and supervisory responses are developed.  This session will explore such responses from a range of perspectives, including both holistic and targeted approaches.

Agenda  (PDF)


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