Protect your money, secure your future: Launch of Global Money Week 2024 & OECD/FinCoNet International Seminar on Tackling Frauds and Scams
18 March 2024, 10:00 - 16:00, CET This Seminar, co-hosted by FinCoNet and the G20/OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection will explore the theme of tackling Financial Scams and Frauds. A keynote address will discuss the role of financial education in protecting children and young people from financial scams and frauds. Session one will highlight examples of effective ways to protect consumers, especially young people, from financial scams and frauds. Speakers will share their countries’ approaches and experiences in raising awareness and increasing the financial literacy of consumers, especially young people, in relation to protecting their money from potential financial scams and frauds. Session two will look at emerging risks for consumers in relation to financial scams and frauds. Based on data collected from over 40 participating jurisdictions, the OECD Consumer Finance Risk Monitor analyses the constantly evolving issues and risks facing consumers of financial products and services. It examines consumer harms and complaints in five product markets (banking and payments, credit, insurance, investments and pensions) and describes regulatory and supervisory responses to address market conduct risks. In session three, panelists representing a range of sectors will share their perspectives and experiences in terms of the trends and developments they are seeing and effective responses. In the final session, financial consumer protection policymakers, regulators and supervisors from around the world will share their countries’ experience in terms of financial scams and frauds, and latest developments in terms of regulatory and supervisory approaches and actions they are pursuing to protect consumers. The launch of the Gloabl Money Week 2024: Protect your money, secure your future will also take place during this event.
Speaker biographies
Contact: Katerina Kodlova, |
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