FinCoNet Annual General Meeting and International Seminar 2021
The FinCoNet Annual General Meeting was held on 10-11 November 2021, directly followed by the FinCoNet International Seminar on 12 November 2021. The International Seminar explored the topic of Market Conduct Supervisors Responding to the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic, beginning with a presentation providing global insights into regulatory and supervisory approaches to consumer risks resulting from COVID-19.
The Seminar comprised two panel sessions, both examining current challenges and looking ahead: the first addressed exiting payment holidays, credit moratoria and the management of arrears and the second discussed increasing digitalisation, cybersecurity risks, scams and frauds. The Seminar included a range of perspectives on these topics including academic, sector specialist and supervisory expertise.
Agenda - International Seminar
Speaker Biographies - International Seminar
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