
2019 FinCoNet Annual General Meeting


13-15 November 2019, Rome, Italy

The FinCoNet Annual General Meeting was hosted by the Bank of Italy in Rome, Italy on 13-14 November 2019.

The AGM was followed by an International Seminar on Supervision and Behavioural Insights (co-hosted by the Bank of Italy and FinCoNet), held in the morning of 15 November 2019.

The Seminar was held over two sessions, the first being an academic perspective on Behavioral insights for conduct supervision. This session provided academic insights on behavioral issues that are deemed to be most relevant for business conduct regulators and supervisors.

The second session explored the experiences of financial supervisors, elaborating on the initiatives – already enacted or still to be implemented – from financial supervisors.





>> Save the Date (pdf)

>> Agenda AGM (pdf)

>> Agenda International Seminar (pdf)

>> FinCoNet AGM 2019 Press Release

>> Behavioural Insights for Conduct Supervisors: Seminar Report



Sally Day-Hanotiaux,
FinCoNet Secretariat 
Tel: +33 145 24 96 61


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